夢河紀 River of Retrospection
製作過程像是尋找水源的旅途,曾幾度迷惑,分不清自己在河中?還是在岸邊?隨著日子變化,從遭遇滅頂者,成了河流觀察者。 水性無常,河流日常平穩清透,時而湍急混濁;偶爾,又參雜小漩渦原地打轉。觀測河流,猶如重現人生路途,上游(過去)和下游(未來)習習相關。藉由不停的觀察和看見,學習和河流共處。 路途上撿拾的石頭,如同心識碎片,信念和創傷歷經長年沈澱、堆積,壓縮成新的結晶。而後,在人生長河中不停滾動、磨損。最後消逝,或是停留,又或在水流的載浮載沉中,與河水共同抵達出海口。 不論順流或逆流,都是一種自然的律動;即使方向迥異,終究是同一條河流。 To survive, humans seek out sources of water. I walk along the riverbank, pummeled by flooding and strong currents. On the brink of being washed away, the river stones become my writing instruments. I collect, organize, and arrange each stone, creating a record of my life. The creative process is a journey for water, a journey during which one might get lost and confusion, unable to distinguish whether one is in the river or safely on the shore. As the days pass, one learns, grows, and transforms from the sufferer to the observer. Water is capricious; the river can be calm and clear most days, yet at times, it becomes turbulent and muddy. Occasionally, small whirlpools appear and spin in place. Observing the river is akin to reliving the journey of life, where the upstream (the past) and downstream (the future) are interconnected. Through continuous observation and seeing, one learns to coexist with the river. The stones in the river are like fragments of consciousness, beliefs, and traumas that accumulate and compress over the years, crystallizing into new objects. They continuously roll and erode in the river of life. Finally, they vanish, linger, or, in the ebb and flow of the current, reach the mouth of the river and flow into the ocean |